Sea Turtle Environs a Multi Media
Projection Installation - 2017 Wilmington NC
Sit, lie, contemplate,
Imagine, be, see turtles
mysterious deep
(Haiku written on the wall in charcoal, to the left)
Arrow Ross watching the Turtle Environs
Video Endangered Turtle, Directed by Dr Alina Smantz,
Compiled by Ross Miller
Soundscape The Sea composed by Janette K Hopper
and Charles Kernan
Monotypes, Haiku and installation by the Artist, Bench by Arrow

Artist Comments about the Turtle Environs
Installation Projection:
I met Dr. Alina Szmant at a panel
on science and art collaborators held at The Center for Marine Science
at University of North Carolina Wilmington. For several years since
then we have tried to put our ideas together to satisfy my need
to be true to my artistic self and her need to present scientific
material in a logical way. We have had many brainstorming sessions
and I also have learned more about environmental concerns.
I made the monotypes of the turtles
world from memory. Later when I had installed the prints in
the wonderful 16 foot wall space in the gallery, I had the idea
to superimpose the video over the top and see if it worked. I was
so excited when I saw the results, as the turtles movement
and the sparkle of water in the video, enhanced the feeling of the
prints and reinforced the gestures in the prints. As the video changed
it enhanced the prints and made new statements. Sometimes the space
between the prints became a geometric structure, sometimes the color
changed; it was so alive.