

Turtles Hatching – Bald Head Island Conservancy – 2019
Installation of linocuts and monotypes.

Shadows of the Past II – Installation – 2017 – Wilmington NC

Actions of today
will project dark shadows cast
into the future
What we do in the present affects all that comes after us
We, the present, are the shadows of the past for the future

Karola Luttringhaus and I did a performance between the old slave quarters and the Bellamy Mansion using a similar installation of stark trees and light and our bodies to show the relationships between the people in both houses. We always wonder why people can’t forget the past and go on, but past history really affects the present feelings of all people. It is the same in this rendition, “Shadows of the Past II”. Here I address a new serious issue, we are in one of the greatest times of extinction of animals and plants because of climate change and pollution. Please join me in looking at just a few of the animals that are leaving our world forever. Become engaged, enjoy connectivity with nature in your city, state and national parks. In our future people will be even more crowded than we are. On each small print on the dead trees are extinct or endangered species. These are just a few of the many, many species. It is overwhelming. Please express your concern and join forces with the many volunteers and scientists working to save them, and perhaps ultimately us.


Sea Turtle Environs a Multi Media Projection Installation - 2017 – Wilmington NC

Sit, lie, contemplate,
Imagine, be, see turtle’s
mysterious deep
(Haiku written on the wall in charcoal, to the left)

Arrow Ross watching the Turtle Environs Installation
Video “Endangered Turtle”, Directed by Dr Alina Smantz, Compiled by Ross Miller
Soundscape – “The Sea” composed by Janette K Hopper and Charles Kernan
Monotypes, Haiku and installation by the Artist, Bench by Arrow Ross

Artist Comments about the Turtle Environs Installation Projection:

“I met Dr. Alina Szmant at a panel on science and art collaborators held at The Center for Marine Science at University of North Carolina Wilmington. For several years since then we have tried to put our ideas together to satisfy my need to be true to my artistic self and her need to present scientific material in a logical way. We have had many brainstorming sessions and I also have learned more about environmental concerns.

I made the monotypes of the turtle’s world from memory.  Later when I had installed the prints in the wonderful 16 foot wall space in the gallery, I had the idea to superimpose the video over the top and see if it worked. I was so excited when I saw the results, as the turtle’s movement and the sparkle of water in the video, enhanced the feeling of the prints and reinforced the gestures in the prints. As the video changed it enhanced the prints and made new statements. Sometimes the space between the prints became a geometric structure, sometimes the color changed; it was so alive.


Turtle Boil (Hatching) Installation – 2017 – Wilmington NC

We multiply but
they emerge struggle and die.
Quietly be present
(Haiku written on the wall in charcoal)The Installation (With the haiku written on the wall in charcoal).

Five monotypes with linocut turtles printed on hem, joined by 100’s of cutout linocut turtles. A turtle boil is when the 100 or so turtles in a nest hatch, dig their way out of the sand and make a dash to the sea.

Mural – Niki’s Fresh Gourmet & Sushi Restaurant – Wilmington NC
4 feet by 25 feet – Acrylic

The Entire Mural

In Sections


Masks - Installation

For life has no mouth,
no voice can be heard. Speak out
for air water earth
(Haiku written on the wall in charcoal)
Installed (With the haiku written on the wall in charcoal).

The masks are made from natural materials. The installation included the scent of pine needles and forest sounds of birds.

Mask - Antlers Mask - Skull Mask - Hickory Bark


“Dancing on the Last Stump”, SARUS Festival Installation:
Paintings and dance collaboration with Alban Elved Dance Company, Cameron Art Museum, Wilmington NC - 2014